I have been using the Heidi Swapp planner since Heidi introduced her 2014 planner one to match the hello today range. This planner was awesome for small snippets of your life as the was only small circle for you to record your events, there are still some of these available in the shop now.
In 2015 Heidi introduced 2 awesome planners one in black and white and the other is water colour this is the one that I chose to use it was the softness of the green and the silver that I loved and this is still available in the shop and the bonus of Heidi Swapp Planners is that they are undated and can be used for any year.
I am sharing with you today some of my December 2015 pages many of the pages I wont share as they are very personal to me but stay tuned in the the new year for some I will be sharing.
At the start of each month I like to decorate my start of month page for December I have used Heidi Swapps Believe Christmas range
I then like to use the next page to include 2 special photos from the month and I briefly write what they mean to me as its not the end of the month yet and I have some more places I am going the are currently blank. I always include lots of little bits and pieces I have collect during the month to decorate my journal.

The next page always has a large area for writing or decorating and I tend to create a mini layout here again using a small photo from the month that is special.

The next page always has a large area for writing or decorating and I tend to create a mini layout here again using a small photo from the month that is special.
I love the month page and use it as a quick reference as to what is happening and when and love to use random items to mark the days on here.
As with all Heidi's new planners there are so many pages for documenting your life I use the middle ones to record life as a journal rather than a diary this is where I right about what is and has happened in my life I also include photo's in here and instax camera's are awesome for this.
I hope you all love doing your planners and that I have provided you with some inspiration with your 2016 planner, Don't forget that Scrapping Clearly has an amazing rage of products suitable for your planner including the new monthly planner kit which contains all sort of exciting bits and pieces that you can include in your planner.
Thank you for stopping on by Kim Kendell
Thank you for stopping on by Kim Kendell
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