Online Classes

Friday 3 March 2017

Warming up with some arty flow

Ahhhhhhhh, Hellllllloooooooo Blog hoppers, SC devotees and random internet users,
Lisa here , pumped and ready for arty mojo to flow through me...
Damn it when you have these ideas , but little motivation ...
Thank the arty gods for, days off, and warm up pieces where its not about the end product, 
more about the process and releasing the flow . 
I wonder how you warm up, your creative spark ?
For me ,I get some paint down on the page,or the easel.
My choice of paint is Dina Wakley Media _for its heavy body
, Liquitex _ for the Gesso and the structure of the paint
and Dylusions- Vibrancy like no other .
On Large A2 watercolour paper-*note to self , use your Dylusions journal instead
with a trusty Black Stabilo Pencil, an essential .

I had to shake things up at this point
 and in comes a cool skull stencil from Kinder Kreations
and more black paint 

time for scratching and a few words to let go and just play
At this point I stopped working around the head and put him aside,
shitty cheap Mont Mart watercolour paper
 can't handle my rough wet work,scratching and paint layering..Ahhhhh.

So , on to other things.
 I actually scrapped a layout after I created this warm up.
I'll be sharing that asap. :)
Thanks for dropping by, see you next week .

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