Online Classes

Monday 6 March 2017

More Something Wonderful!

Hello Arty Peeps!
Hope y'all are well and happy, maybe making plans for St Paddy's Day next week?
Peg here to share another page using the Teresa Collins 'Something Wonderful' range. This one is just slapped together quickly using bits of prettiness torn from the 6 x 6 paper pad. I stuck my photo down (and framed it) with washi tape, reinforcing it all with a couple of staples on the corners.

I added some Heidi Shine black and teal splats to the background, layered up my mini pic on tags (oodles in this pack!), and typed my journalling with a teal ribbon, cool!!
So with just a few stickers, a chippie, and a bit of transparency ('Story Time'), my page was done. Too easy! 

Gotta love quick pages, right?!

So happy crafting and see you next time.
Thanks for coming by,

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