Online Classes

Friday 24 February 2017

The erotic art of Alpha Channeling , Naked Swimmers-A day trip to the Olsen Gallery

Howdy bloggers, Lisa here with a kind different mixed media blog update .
Just back from a dash to Sydney yesterday to catch up with my amazing 94 yr old grandmother,a visit with my mans bestie and to check out a few artist at the Olsen Gallery in Woollahra,my hometown in the 90s,one of the more upmarket areas of the eastern suburbs of Sydney. When I lived there in my 20s ,I worked as an nanny for a wealthy business family,whom bought art regularly and it was always a treat to check out the pieces and rub shoulders with the art set. 
Today I want to share with you a few artists and their pieces that are beautifully inspiring and just a heads up... everything they use to create, is in your stash or can be purchased at Scrapping Clearly .

"How light gets in " Julian Meagher .
His work is beautiful. I was lucky enough to get to the Archibald Exhibition last year and Julians piece of Daniel Johns-from the Australian band Silverchair(check out his Talk album,its a masterpiece)..was definitely my favorite hanging on the walls in that showing .
This man is training to be a surgeon-from what we heard from the gallery curator. 
Seriously, can one man really have so much talent. 

Martine Emdur
We walked up stairs to the large loft gallery and we were transformed 
into an underwater world of beauty and light, intimacy and weightlessness.
These incredibly large majestic pieces of naked underwater swimmers created a for me a feeling of 
serene calm and how she plays with light and dark,
with oil paints on linen, well it was utterly inspiring
average price for one of these babies.. $30,000.
 Wonderland 2- Martine Emdur
 Glide- Martine Emdur
 title unknown

 And the reason we initially ventured to the Olsen Gallery was for this showing,
 by one of our favorite Instagram artists AlphaChanneling ,
 a Swiss artist who draws erotic art with Pencil on watercolour paper.
Simple,colourful,beautiful erotic art with gorgeous line work and flow.
Paul being a draftsman and artist himself really relates and is 
inspired by this amazing Instagram artist work.

"There’re all these themes and content that most people would 
put up an immediate barrier against because they feel like it’s shameful or embarrassing to like.
 But because it’s kind of hidden in this graphic, protective aesthetic,
 I think people can be more open to it. It seems acceptable."
--- quote from the artist

How many galleries are in your area?
Have you visited one in the last 12 month?
If you have some free time this weekend, why not head out and
find a gallery and check out what the local artist are creating.
I know you will be inspired to make more art.
Thanks for dropping by..
I am off to play in my art space.
See you next week.
Lisa x

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