Online Classes

Wednesday 3 August 2016

When in Doubt, Colour In!

Howdy Folks
Peg here again to share a little of my creative outlet from difficult times.
2016 is shaping up to be one of those years you can't wait to be over. There have been too many heart-wrenching and difficult issues to deal with and I must admit it is taking it's toll on my mojo. 
So, when all else fails, I thought, colour in! The hard part had already been done for me, all I had to do was find some quiet time and crack out the markers.

I had these ones on hand.

 12 (much brighter than they look) 'pastel' and 12 'glitter'. I have boosted the colour in this image so they look a little closer to what they are.

On first inspection I was unimpressed but thankfully the colours are much nicer than they look on the outside. They are vibrant, flouro even, and so gorgeous when used together!

This is my first attempt. I started at one end of the pastel set and did the stripes with each marker, starting at the beginning again when I reached the end. Too easy, but doesn't it look fab?! Awesome colours!

Then I used the glitter set, these are so pretty too!

I tried to get a close up to show off the glitter.

They are a lovely creamy marker that occasionally need a scribble to get them started. I will definitely be using them again, maybe even for colouring in if this year of trauma continues. This activity lifted my mood for sure!

Hope your year is treating you well and you are managing some creative time. We have 2 new challenges for August, and fabulous prizes too, check them out and play along. Sketch Challenge. Mood Board Challenge. You can post in the FB folders or here on the side bar.
We love seeing your work!

Thanks for coming by


  1. Peg, so sorry you are having a traumatic year, I wish for it to get better soon. Colouring is such great therapy. These look amazing. Thanks for sharing xxx

    1. Thanks Tania, it's about due, I've had many cruisy years up to this point.

  2. Peg this is an awesome Tutorial on the Pens love what you have designed with them

  3. These look fab, Peg! I haven't been bitten by the colouring bug yet, but this is certainly inspiring :)

    1. Thanks Chloe, I'm not much for colouring in either but I must admit this was quite relaxing and didn't require any real creative input. Those markers, the colours, lovely!

  4. Wow the glitter looks fantastic in that close up shot Peg! You have me thinking ..
