Online Classes

Friday 17 June 2016

She sees in B/W, Thinks in Grey, But Loves in Colour By Lisa Oxley

Howdy Folks , Lisa here with a Friday update.
Last week I was away with some of the fun scrapping clearly peeps in the Hunter Valley at a Mixed Media retreat. I was lucky enough to be teaching and sharing my arty love with some amazing creatives. Its always a little difficult to get back into serious creative flow , when your mind is on the game of teaching. So i usually don't get anything big completed, but I do tinker with other peoples photos and  talk way way too much .
If I am searching for inspiration,Instagram is my go-to space. All those hashtags usually lead somewhere cool and inspiration came in the form of Juliette Crane & a little Mindy Lacefield.

  For all my pieces,I use a combination of different Acrylic paints 

and create in a Dylusions Journal
This one is a bit of a tweak from a Lifebook2015 lesson I didn't complete.
New drawing,Bright colours,a little bolder=Fun .
Thanks for dropping by, see you next week .


  1. Lisa your inspiration just continues to amaze me stunning pieces

  2. Love your work Lisa, Can see the Juliette Crane influence!!
